Support for ‘Distance by Crow’

Version 2.0.0

A major update:

When you first open the app – after giving it location permission – you see an arrow and two options: Save a Location or Recall a Location.

To save the current location, click on that button and the screen changes.

You touch any of the 5 locations and type in the name of your current location. It can be as simple as “1” or it can say “my car” or “Houston”. Whatever will help you remember. Once you click Back to Main, you return back to the first screen and the arrow points to your new start location and the distance reflects that distance. You can close the app (or shut off your screen) to stop using gps to save your battery.

If you wish to recall any of the 5 previous locations you have input, you click on Recall Previous Location and after returning to the Main screen, the arrow and distance reflect that direction and distance. Here is the Recall screen:

That’s all there is. Just remember that the app is meant to use outside, and that the gps takes a few seconds to find satellites every time you turn it on again.

Version 1.1.0

Two major changes in this app:

  • the app remembers the last start location even when shutting off the phone.
  • there is no “waiting on satellite” message. Instead, you will know the satellite is found as soon as you see the arrow move (pointing to the previous start location).

Once the arrow moves, you can reset your start location.

Version 1.0

When you open the app, and after agreeing to let the app use your current location, you will see the following screen., with a flashing red arrow pointing to to the yellow button “Reset Start Location”. When you want to set your starting point you click on this button and the place where you are standing is set as your starting point. You can now place the app into background mode and shut down your screen.

While the app is in background mode, it does not use the gps of the phone, which saves significant battery time, a key feature of the app.

Note flashing red arrow prompting selection of start point.

When you have travelled some distance, and want to know the distance and direction in a straight line back to the starting point, you open up the app and you will see the arrow pivot to point to your starting point. You will also see the distance change to the number of meters from your starting point – again a straight line distance. If you have travelled more than one km, the display will change to the number of kilometers.If you prefer English units (yards and miles), you simply touch the “Distance in meters” button and the units will change. You may have to take a couple of steps to get the gps to update and then the units will change.

User has tapped “Distance in km to update to miles.

You can put the app into background mode again as many times as you wish. However, if you close the app (swiping up to close it, or shutting off the phone) it will not retain any memory of your starting position.

If you wish to comment or ask for support, please email to: