When you play bridge without duplicate tables in play, you would like to know how you played the hands even when you have poor cards. This app utilizes the IMP method to do so.
After you input the required data as shown below, the app figures out the “IMP points” that you get. This will be close to zero if you played the hand as expected due to your high card points (HCPs). If you played it really well, it will be a positive number, and if you played it poorly, it will be a negative number. You will need to do this at the conclusion of each hand.
You can use a sheet of paper to keep track of the points over a set of hands. At the bottom are a set of simple scoring sheet examples in various formats that you can download showing the correct vulnerabilities of each hand.
When you open the app, you will see the following:

And you select from top to bottom your game setup and results.
- The contract level (tricks>6)
- The contract suit or No Trump.
- Select whether it was doubled, redoubled, and if declarer team was vulnerable.
- Enter the declarer team’s total HCP (both players). Note – only HCP, not distribution points.
- You then can show the result of the play…tricks taken less than, equal to, or greater than the contract level.
- Touch Calculate. Note that the Calculate button is only highlighted and active once the Tricks Taken has been entered.
- The result shows immediately: the IMP “expected score” based on the declarer team HCP, the actual score that duplicate bridge would use based on your contract and result, and finally the number of IMP points the declarer team receives. If it is negative, the opposing team gets the positive number of points that it shows there.
Examples showing some simple scoring sheets are below. If you have any further questions, please email to support@panstate.net!